Hello! I’m Dr. Gena Gorlin, a licensed psychologist, founder coach, and faculty member in the Department of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. I specialize in the psychological needs of ambitious people looking to build.

The purpose of this newsletter is to catalogue what I learn through my scholarly research and applied work with these individuals, and to build a community of people similarly engaged in the work of “building the builders”—whether just within themselves, or also within those they manage, mentor, or coach.

Sometimes I’ll share takeaways from my research, other times from my clinical and coaching work. Since I’m coaching a lot of VC-backed startup founders, my observations and examples may be over-indexed on them, but I expect most of the underlying principles will generalize more widely. My posting frequency varies widely with what else I’m doing and what I have to say, but you can generally expect at least one post per month, give or take.

Now go subscribe, and let’s get building!

Subscribe to Building the Builders

Exploring the psychology of ambitious creators: what it is, why it matters, and how to build it


Licensed psychologist and founder coach focused on catalyzing ambitious self-creation. Faculty at UT Austin. Substack: Building the Builders (builders.genagorlin.com)